Siguiri: Macabre discovery of a lifeless body of a Leonese national in Didi / This macabre discovery took place on the evening of this Friday, December 15, 2023, in Didi, a locality in the Siguiri prefecture. The deceased named Farah Cessy is a Sierra Leonean national, married to a woman and father of five (5) children. He was found dead in his room

Contacted by residents, Dr Abdoulaye Bachirou Condé, lieutenant doctor on duty at the Siguiri prefectural hospital, went to the field with his team for the first observations.

“After the autopsy investigations, we did not see any marks on his body. But seeing him physically, he’s sick. According to our information, he is someone who indulged a lot in alcohol,” he said.

Under the authorization of the public prosecutor at the Siguiri court of first instance, the body of Farah Cessy was handed over to her guardian by the local authorities for burial.

Kankan region, Mohamed DIANÉ for 00224 622074075.


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